Toddlerhood – Your child has grown up

What is toddlerhood? 

Toddlerhood refers to the stage of human development that typically occurs between the ages of one and three years old. It’s crucial to note that while toddlerhood is a period of rapid development and there can be variations in the timing and sequence of milestones. Parental guidance plays a huge role in facilitating a toddler’s healthy development during this stage. 

About toddlerhood

1. Cognitive development – Toddlerhood has significant cognitive abilities such as pretend play and develop more advanced language skills

2. Social and emotional development – Toddlerhood tends to become more expressive with their emotions and have the ability to interact with peers 

3. Physical development – Toddlerhood continues to experience physical growth and they become more coordinated and independent in their movements. 

What parents can expect from toddlerhood

Toddlerhood is one of the most exciting stages of a child’s development, however it can also be challenging for parents as they are exploring and growing. There are a few common expectations and challenges that parents can anticipate:

1. Independence: Toddlers tend to want independence and may insist on doing things by themselves. Best way to encourage them is to support their independence within safe limits. 

2. Exploration and curiosity: Toddlers are usually curious and enjoy exploring their environment. Creating a safe and child-friendly environment is important during this period. Try using childproofing measures and allow them to explore within boundaries. 

3. Feeding challenges: Offer a variety of nutritious foods, be patient with their preferences, and involve them in meal preparation as toddlers tend to be picky at times. 

4. Social development: Toddlers may show signs of social development, such as playing with others and showing empathy. 

5. Toilet training: Toddlers may show interest in toilet training, although the process can be tedious.

6. Sleep challenges: Some toddlers may experience sleep disruptions. Establish a consistent bedtime routine and be patient during sleep regressions. 

How food preferences are formed in toddlerhood

The development of taste preferences is a dynamic process during childhood. There are some key factors that contribute to the formation of food preferences in toddlerhood: 

1. Texture and sensory: Toddlers may have preference for certain textures such as crunchy / smooth. Hence, it is important for toddlers to be exposed to a variety of solid foods. 

2. Social influences: Peer influence during toddlerhood may have huge impact on shaping their food preferences. 

3. Parents decision and modelling: Toddlers will often observe the eating behaviours from parents and learn from it. 

Frequently asked questions on toddlerhood

What is toddlerhood?

Toddlerhood refers to the stage of human development that typically occurs between the ages of one and three years old. It’s crucial to note that while toddlerhood is a period of rapid development and there can be variations in the timing and sequence of milestones. Parental guidance plays a huge role in facilitating a toddler’s healthy development during this stage. 

At what age my child is a toddler?

1-3 years old 

How can parents prepare for toddlerhood?

Toddlerhood is one of the most exciting stages of a child’s development, however it can also be challenging for parents as they are exploring and growing. There are a few things that parents can prepare for toddlerhood which includes sleep training, exposure to different types of solids and practice social and emotional development.