Skin care during pregnancy

In pregnancy, every woman’s skin changes.

Pamper your skin!

While the skin of your face will appear more beautiful and fresh due to improved circulation, the skin of your breasts, tummy and thighs will now need very special attention. The female connective tissue is by nature composed in such a way that it can be easily stretched. In addition, special hormones help to make the tissue even more elastic during pregnancy. This is the only way to make sure that the skin can easily adapt to the growing baby’s increased space requirement.

Nevertheless, overstretching of tissue frequently occurs during pregnancy (especially in the area of abdomen, breasts and hips), and becomes visible in the form of unattractive stretch marks. Due to the tension on the abdominal wall and the hormonal changes, the skin can additionally dry out and, particularly towards the end of the pregnancy, your tummy skin might start feeling very tight and itchy. Intensive care helps to keep the skin elastic.

Care for the skin

Protection and rich nourishing care is exactly what your skin needs now.