How to make, store and transport milk formula

How to prepare milk formula

When preparing milk formula, we must always follow the instructions on the packaging. Different types of milk formula might have different preparation methods.  To secure good digestibility and getting the right nutrition, it is important for us to follow the indicated milk powder and water amount. Too much water may not meet the nutritional needs; too little water may cause the little one’s kidneys and digestive system to work too hard and may dehydration. Moreover, you should follow some hygiene rules: 

  • Wash your hands well before milk preparation
  • Clean and sanitize the workspace before preparing the milk.
  • Clean and sanitize the bottles. Prepare the milk bottle immediately before feeding and not ahead of time.
  • Always boil the water that you mix the formula with.


How and how long to store milk formula

Once the milk formula being opened, it should be used within 3 to 4 weeks to ensure its freshness. Milk formula should be kept in a cool, dry place with the lid tightly closed. It should not be stored next to strong smelling substances or foods. Do not feed child with any leftover milk, the combination of formula and your child’s saliva can cause bacteria to grow. 

How to transport milk formula 

The safest way to transport formula is to prepare cooled boiled water and milk powder in different containers.

Throw away any prepared formula you haven’t used, else, please put it back to the fridge within 2 hours.

Frequently asked questions on preparing milk formula:

How to make milk formula?

When preparing formula milk, we must always follow the instructions on the packaging. Different types of formula milk might have different preparation methods.  To secure good digestibility and getting the right nutrition, it is important for us to follow the indicated milk powder and water amount. Too much water may not meet the nutritional needs; too little water may cause the child’s  kidneys and digestive system to work too hard and may cause dehydration. Moreover, you should follow some hygiene rules: 

  • Wash your hands well before milk preparation
  • Clean and sanitize the workspace before preparing the milk.
  • Clean and sanitize the bottles. Prepare the milk bottle immediately before feeding and not ahead of time.
  • Always boil the water that you mix the formula with.

Can you prepare milk formula in advance?

Experts recommend preparing a fresh formula feed when your child needs it to avoid bacteria growing in milk formula when it’s stored. Bacteria can grow even if that’s in the fridge.

Can I store milk formula in the fridge?

For the milk powder, once the lid is opened, you can store it in a cool, dry place with the airtight lid. Do not store it in the refrigerator.
If the baby did not drink the prepared formula milk within 2 hours, immediately store the bottle in the fridge and must use it within 24 hours.

Can you store powdered formula in tupperware?

Yes, you can store your child’s powdered formula in air tight container as long as the lid is airtight.